s GPS School | recommend_parent

Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi (Affiliation No 1730864)


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Recommendation For Parents/Guardians

Parents are requested to inform, in written, the class Teacher, Bus-Incharge and principal & chairman in case of any change in the child address or discontinuation of bus and record the same change in the child diary immediately. You are requested to go through the child diary everyday. Any observations/remarks made by the teacher in the diary should be promptly acknowledged and attended to. Assessment should he signed by the parents regularly.


The school arranges extra/remedial classes from time to time for the students who require special/extra attention. We need the support of the parents to encourage their wards by sending them to attend these classes. We expect the parents to arrange their own conveyance for their wards in case these classes are held after school hours. No verbal message through the child will be entertained. In case of any confusion of this nature the student will be detained in the school and will have to be collected only by the parent later on.

  • 1. Every child should carry a napkin / tiffin box and water bottle.
  • 2. A clean handkerchief is compulsory.
  • 3. Shoes must be polished everyday.
  • 4. No make-up or and clean, without nail Polish.
  • 5. Neither make up nor nail polish is allowed
  • 6. Nails must be short.

General Information

Medium of Instruction is English.

A request :

It is sincerely desired from the parents to see that their children use simple English at home and speak small sentences about their daily routine activities so that they develop fluency in English speaking.